The Smartest Tips to be a Fantastic DJ

A DJ can make a decent living by honing down the art. A good DJ, however, does not get to that place without pitfalls and road bumps as the industry is one of the hardest to crack. Today, anyone can get access to the hardware, DJ mixer online and other related applications thus making it … Continue reading “The Smartest Tips to be a Fantastic DJ”

Are You Getting Noticed, Dear DJ?

You may have been a DJ at a few parties over the past years. DJing may have started out as a way of earning some extra cash and may have ultimately turned into a passion. Or maybe you are now dreaming of becoming a great DJ some day! No matter where you stand, the only … Continue reading “Are You Getting Noticed, Dear DJ?”

Five Things that make a good DJ

To be a good DJ, a great music collection, perfect mixing, use of applications with DJ mixer online and sound technical knowledge (comes in handy during critical on-stage situations) are mandatory. Apart from these essentials, a good DJ has certain characteristic features that define their performance and their potential in this difficult industry. Read on … Continue reading “Five Things that make a good DJ”