- Julian Alexis
hi xd
- Rudy Guevara
David Weimer
My music passion comes from dubstep when i started listening to Alex Mtch
- Ronald Montes
Jessica Schuchmann
"When you're happy you enjoy the music. But when you're sad. You understand the lyrics." "I don't rap so millions of people will like me: I rap because there's millions of people just like me" ~ NF
- Jacob Plowman
- Jesus Lopez
- Jack Kobylski
- anthony8fields
ISlippedIntoTheDIAMONDLYFSoMuch ThatIBrokeMyBones
Just a simple girl with a passion for making music :)
- keira sakamoto
- Unluckynick
- Estiven Alfaro
Destinee Smith
waz up my ***** hey email me at
- manuel deleon
- Young R
- manueldeleon
- Dakota Jordan
- lyreir Fams 92