Chloe is hot

By Jeffrey Cuevas
gud songz
6 years ago
Artist: jeffri, talley, chel
Album: steami typewriterz
Your smile lights up a room
That everyone looks forward too
It makes days brighter
Your a heart striker

It's impossible to keep you off my mind
I think about a 100 thoughts and you are 99
I've understood you'll never be mine but that's fine
I'm just breaking inside

Your personality is one of a kind
Impacts people without you even trying
Your just that amazing
With your storytelling eyes a gazed

It's impossible to keep you off my mind
I think about a 100 thoughts and you are 99
I've understood you'll never be mine but that's fine
I'm just breaking inside

You are beautiful inside and out
Leaves me thinking about...
You and your niceness
Makes me spread kindness

It's impossible to keep you off my mind
I think about a 100 thoughts and you are 99
Maybe some day you'll be mine...
but right now I'm just breaking inside
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