Fake people r never the good thing to follow, remember that.

Fake people r never the good thing to follow, remember that.

By mariah_single1
4 years ago

Guys always keep ur trust to ur self no one will always be there for u when u need them most ....In the end we will all discover who is fake and who is true...and who will risk it all for u..........people dont really know me ....only my homies i got thngs to do than waste  my time on you (fake people) ......They wanna see u do good but never better than them ...so always be better than the enimes..



    Baltimore, MD, USA
    Name : Mariah Single or taken: Taken Zodiac sign: cancer I hate dramma Fav word: B**** & I get it from my momma Fav color: Blue &purple ***** if u start dramma wit me u aint gonna like it I HATE FAKE *** PEOPLE lil Girl if u not my friend then.. idc
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