About me
By Ariella2 years ago
Hi my name is Ariella Cabrera and I am 15 years old. My birthday is on July 30th and i'm a LEO.
my name means lion of God.
I like to write rap music, draw, and workout, and i also play the piano and a few other instruments.
a lot of people say they know me, but do they know the true me?
I'm sad because, I sometimes don't like going home because I never get along with my mom.
Also, ever since I was four years old I've been adopted. When I was three me and my brother went from house to house together. I really just keep thinking that, maybe one day I will be able to meet them one day before I die.
I am lonely in this world, no matter what people say or do because the moment I give people take but they never give anything in return and they always take advantage of me. I am lonely because of my A.D.H.D., anxiety, depression, And anger issues - which I control better.
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