Feeling better now

Feeling better now

By Summer_ Wilhelm
4 years ago

I got help and i'm happy about it then i wont fell pain much pain any more i'm happy about it i have a real smile on feeling real happiness i'm not sad or mad at myself i so living life like i'm supposed to never going to give up anymore i'm going to keep more in so just be happy becuse i want to show the world who i real am not faking smile and not faking happiness going to keep more in live go smart kind sweet funny fight through but it took time but i'm trying to get throught it going to keep fighting never going to stop fighting through thing i'm going to keep sing 

    Summer_ Wilhelm

    Summer_ Wilhelm

    London, OH, USA
    I ́m a very friendly warm person and I don't want help with my depression pain is a part of me I been hurt so much in my life and my real names is a boy name, Theo but ever one call me Summer
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