Psychopathic massacre (has some disturbing words plz dont yell at me for it)

Psychopathic massacre (has some disturbing words plz dont yell at me for it)

By Peppermint kisses
4 years ago

Killing feels so good
I love the way
They all die
I slash my next victim
I hear his pathetic scream

It does not matter
No one cares about his soul
I wipe his blood on my body
Such a lovely night
for a massacre 

They all deserve
What is coming
They all need to die
And I shall be the
Harbinger of their demise

I will fill the streets
With their blood
I will **** their lifeless corpses
Finally, I will Go back to
My home

And go to sleep
Happy knowing
I have done a good job

    Peppermint kisses

    Peppermint kisses

    Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel & sweet as love. and taken by Satan himself. I think I can deceive people. I'm like, the nice, sweet girl when you meet me. And I don't have any bad intentions. But I'm a bad girl too.
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