A story I wrote

4 years ago

“Hey my name is Anjeong and I'm new here.  I wear the same high heels every day. They are black  with silver ribbon on them.” My name means Quiet ocean and tranquility.  “Thank you Anjeong you may take your seat now, Ok class today we are going to be talking about Spiders”,said Mrs.Dream. Her words started to drift away while Anjeong laid her head on her desk. Anjeong slowly started drifting asleep.  (Grace is awake in her dream now).  Mom is waking her up.  Hey my little spider wake up!  Grace sits up and realizes she is laying on her bed at her old house back in portland.  Mom leaves the room.


What day is it? She reaches for her phone. Saturday 4/16/2013. Oh…..my…..god. She rushed over to her mirror and looked in it and saw her 15 year old self.  With silky curly long brown hair and black glasses.   I walked over to my closet and opened it and grabbed my school uniform and backpack and breakfast and walked to the bus.  When I got to school I took off my school shoes and put on my Black high heels that have silver ribbon on them. 


 Then I walked to my 1st hour.  When lunch came I got in line to get my soup, rice, kimchi,and my favorite dessert Mochi.  I went to sit down to eat lunch and I tripped on a foot it was Choon Hee’s foot!


She tripped me! It felt like I was falling forever. Next thing I knew I was on the floor with my food all over me.  The whole lunchroom was full of laughter.  Then Choon Hee got up and said oh did u trip I wonder how that happened?  Everybody started laughing again.  


I ran to the nurses office and got a new uniform.   “Did it happen again?”,said Nurse.Rose.  I silently shook my head yes.  Nurse Rose is afraid to tell the principal about it because Choon Hee is his daughter and he always believes his daughter.  One time Nurse Rose told the principal about his daughter and I got sent out of the room 5 minutes later I was called back in the principal said,”Don't you dare make up a lie about my daughter!”


After that I got detention. At the end of the day her mom came to pick her up.  “Hey honey how was school?”,said mom.  It was good.  On our way home we stopped at a korean restaurant called bimil mabeob gat-eun un(secret majical luck).  We went inside and got seated. After we ate, a lady walked up to me at the table with my mom and the lady handed me a Pujok.  I bowed and said thank you.  I saw a smirk on her face when she handed it to me.  Then I carefully put it in my bag

We left and I got into my mom's car and sat my bag at my feet.  On our way home I noticed my bag was glowing and there was a shiny floating gold thing floating around my high heels.  I ignored it.  I thought maybe it was just my imagination because i'm tired.  That night I went to my room and hung the Pujok over the top of my bed. 


 I yawned and layed down on my bed. I then noticed my school uniform was still on. I got up and changed and went back to bed. Then I said I wish I was pretty and nobody bullied me.  What I didn't know was that wish was going to change my life forever.  The next morning I woke up and walked over to the mirror to see if I had changed back into my present self but no, I am still my past self. But something was different. I was beautiful!


I got ready for school and went downstairs to go out the door to catch the bus.  Then my mom said bye and I left.  I walked on the bus kind of skittish because I don't want to be tripped.  I sat down in the back of the bus and thought what happened? I am beautiful now and nobody has tripped me or made fun of me.  I arrived at school and headed to my 1st class.  Ok class so today we are going to have a pop quiz! Everybody sighed.  Except Min-a, she cried about it like always.  Her name means dexterous, agile child.


I said in my head I really wish I knew everything for the test.  Then the teacher handed out the tests and when she said start I randomly guessed the answers to the questions hoping I was right.  We got our tests back one by one at the end of class.  She called us up one by one and I was first.  “Anjeong”,called the teacher I need you first!  I walked up to the desk and bowed and she said did you study at all?  I said no I didn't.  Well I did not teach any of this in class.  She showed me my paper and I saw I got every question right.  If you didn't know any of this then tell me why all of it is correct.  I looked down at my shoes and looked up and stared the teacher in the eyes and said I don't know. I looked down at my shoes and I saw that gold sparkles over my shoes again. I looked up and she said Well you did a good job. I'm proud of you.  Then my face completely flushed and I went back to my desk and realized the last night I made a wish to be beautiful then I became beautiful.  Now I wished to get all the answers right and I got them right. And then the teacher said she's proud of me.  I then remembered The gift the lady gave me at the restaurant and how my shoes glow every time I made a wish.   I smirked and realized I could do whatever I wanted.  When lunch came we had the same thing we had yesterday THen I said to the lunch lady I wish to have 5 Mochi’s please.  Then she automatically with no hesitation gave me them.


As I was walking to sit down I wished I could do whatever I wanted to without saying I wish every time.  Then I thought it sure would be funny if Choon Hee tripped and spilled

her lunch on herself instead of me then I looked over and pointed at her and swiped my finger to the side and she tripped!


Everyone laughed at Choon Hee even the teachers did.  When I got home I was smiling the whole time.  Mom of course looked at me like I was crazy.  I looked at her and said, ”what?”  She laughed and turned around and continued cooking, after dinner we sat down on the couch to watch a movie and I circled my finger around the table and wished for a big plate of Mochi.  I also wished that my mom thought she already had it over here so she looked over and said,”don't eat all of them.”I smiled and watched the movie


The next day I decided to walk to school. When I was walking to school I took a wrong turn and ran into Ethan, Choon Hee’s boyfriend.  He started to run at me so I just smiled and stuck my hand out and pointed at him and lifted my finger up


The next morning I went to class and when it was the 5th hour we had another test.  I was still tired from last night.  The teacher passed our test  and 10 minutes later I fell asleep.  When I woke up I heard “Pencils down!” I looked around and I was back to my 17 year old self.  




    im 15 life makes me feel like im trapped in a box i like music i listen to K-POP and am part of many fandoms i am kind i won't judge you unless i have a reason i have an anxiety disorder along with many more. i will be there for you the best i can
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