By YN_STAGI can't f'u'c'k'i'n'g stand life anymore. I know that I'm now I'm beyond repair. I screwed up someone's day, I made them upset. I'm not worth life anymore. Emma and Hayleigh know it too. I hope this makes your day better. Actually, it better make your life better. Knowing that a screw-up like me is no longer in your life. Knowing that they got driven over the edge, to the point of suicide........ It better make you happy. Hayleigh, I'm aware I don't deserve life. I've known that for a while, but this........This finished me off completely. I know I screwed up, and I can't go back. I went too far. Why? Because I'm a failure that apparently can't do anything right in life. I can't please anybody. And I've been trying my best. And now I have nothing to show for it. Emma, I know that you don't care. i know I screwed up big time. I know I don't deserve life. So you better break out the good plates and wine glasses, because a loser is out of your life, so no more misery to deal with.
I can't do this anymore. Life is getting too painful for me to bear. This better be worth it
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