I feel like if I go to school tmr I will die on the inside but smile on the outside.
I feel like if I go to sleep I will never wake up.
I feel like if I go to sleep tonight and wake up in the middle of the night there with be demons everywhere.
I feel like there is always someone to "cheer me up" then always leave.
I feel like anytime I love someone they leave me.
I feel like anytime I show my love to someone they won't show love back.
I feel like if I show love to someone they with take it and use it until they don't want it anymore.
I feel like I am dead right now.
I feel like a ghost cause nobody ever notices me.
Greensboro, NC, USA
Zodiac Signs: Aries
Love Static: Guess
Married: 0/3
Taken- 0/3
Pronouns: She/He/They/Them
Sexuality: Non-Binary, Bisexual, Polysexual
School Family:
Kids: My kids and still adopting
SJ Family:
Kids: ILoveLifeee
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