Dear, Friends...pt2

Dear, Friends...pt2

By Dinonugget4life
2 years ago

I say now that I belive we have forgotten who we are and who we want to be... our future is still there but dwelling on the negativity that life's been throwing at you...ain't gonna solve things.. I know you can't do much to change it but that doesn't mean you can't do something small to make it a little bit better. I urge, loving, caring, and wise people to change your perspective on things in your life right now... change your point of view instead of being clouded by your opinion and hate. To fully understand this message is not to just read but reflect on it think about it but you've gone this far and you can't go back but you can't stop doing what you need to do to achive greater lengths. I've seen the brightest people on Snapjam and they are dear friends of mine i've relied on to give me hope and nows the time to give back and give you advice on your hardships, the brightest people i've met have gone very dim to the state of a dying candle..yet they are not to ever be forgotten by me and I care about the one's who have respected my thoughts and opinions on topics and I am sorry my first impressions are weird but at least we got comfortable lol. Seeing everyone slowly die down is saddening in my part and I hope you realize there is a bigger world out there but yet you don't see that because you are in a very small world right now. Please.. don't give up my friends and If you comment saying you "can't" there is no argument there you just need to keep thinking about this and sometimes the only payoff of having any faith is when it's tested again and again every day.. - T_S



    Mesa, AZ, USA
    Hello, I am 13 and I'm a male, I am good at understanding deep emotions and my music genre is Rock, and Pop also video game music btw I like memes
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