Is america great?

Is america great?

By --NUlL..
3 years ago

In 2016 there were signs all over saying “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”... But, was America ever really great? In this post history world, the major events they teach students are the Great Depression, civil and world wars, segregation, the list goes on. So the question arises when and what exactly made America “Great”?

Americans live in a generally safe place because of the protection the military provides. Thanks to the armed forces we no longer have to worry about attacks outside our borders.

One of the most important aspects of the United States is our public safety providers. Because of our laws, we live in one of the safest places. Yes, we still have crime; but, it does not go unpunished.

Americans have democracy. We have a say in what happens to use. We also have personal freedoms, such as freedom of speech. People are entitled to their opinions ,but nonetheless we can say what we want.

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