4 years ago

Alright Y'all. I want y'all to bow your heads and say a prayer with me.

Dear Lord Almighty, we praise you for the life you have given. We wish with you that not all innocent lives are taken. Last night at 12:00, last year, or two years ago, Bianca lost her daughter. I mark that day important to me, because it affected her so, so much. She cried last night because her daughter lost her life unfairly. Bianca had to have that daughter unfairly. I don't appreciate the fact that somebody who's heart was so caring, was raped, impregnanted, and then lost that child, and Bianca was only 18. I care about Bianca so much, that I take off my boots, lay them by the door, kneel at her feet, and remove my hat. I look up into the sky everyday, and not a day goes by that I don't honor those who died. I honor those who were hurt by others, fairly or unfairly. I honor those who will stand with me and fight for what is right. I encourage all who is reading this, that you help stop this plague of evil in this world. What is right doesn't mean who's picking up the toys. I mean standing up to bullying, r'a'p'e, abuse, violence, murder, arson. It's not right. I hope none of you guys turn into those bad people. I care about all of you. I wish the best for you, and I want y'all to stand up straight with a smile as often as you can. Don't let your head drop. Look at evil dead on. Spit in it's face. It is not okay to hurt someone because you want to. If you have to, that's a whole different story. I understand if somebody's pressuring you. Try your best to ignore. Sometimes we can't. But guess what? We all are humans. We all make mistakes. But we need to try our best to keep our mistakes to a minimum, and don't purposely repeat those same mistakes. I want y'all to make somebody in your life happy today if you can. I wish the best for y'all.





    When it comes to your life, I'm your Scottish soldier. I'm the most loyal person you will ever meet. I'm 14, tall af, and TAKEN
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