To Emma

To Emma

4 years ago

What's life without you?

My life would never be complete

Without you


My heart beats mainly for you

You are one of the reasons

I am still alive


I find it easy to talk to you

You make me smile

You make me laugh


Everytime you laugh

Your eyes sparkle like the stars

And it's beautiful to look at


I fell head-over-heels

Just for you

This feels like a dream


I would take 1,000 bullets before they get to you

My head, my heart, and my soul

Is set on protecting you


I feel like a guard dog just for you

My job is to guarantee your safety

This arm, is your wing, your shelter


When it comes to you

You come first

This body will keep you from all harm


This heart beats mainly for you

If it hadn't been for you

I wouldn't even be here


This soul harbors my devotion

My devotion to your protection

I would never break that promise


Every new scar I get

I think of you

It makes me smile


These scars represent somethin' bigger

They represent my adversity and my pain

But the bigger ones come from protecting my friends


I once took a bullet in the foot for a friend

I'd rather get shot twice

Before I ever lost you


This back bears a scar forever

I took a knife, and a bite

I never regretted standing in the way


I saved someone's life that day

And the next time

It'll be for you


I am often compared to a wounded soldier

I often walk with a funny limp

I swing my arm, with a scar upon my shoulder


I support people

But mostly you



You are my main priority 



    When it comes to your life, I'm your Scottish soldier. I'm the most loyal person you will ever meet. I'm 14, tall af, and TAKEN
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