So, bit of a problem
My songs aren't made entirely here on Snapjam. I just publish 'em here. But, it would seem as if SnapJam automatically converts tracks into different file types.
For those who don't know, there's many forms of audio and video compression, and depending on the compression, you can either gain pluses or minuses. WAV files are the most universally used audio formats for musicians because the playback will give a near identical sound to the original creation, but, it does take space. MP3 is the most used format for consumers and average listeners, ad the convinience of the size, download time, and sometimes sound can be a little more enjoyable. But, all at the expense of the file itself. Because MP3s are essentially super compressed, you can lose up to 50% of the initial sound quality of your track, a big deal for me.
I used M4A formats to save the songs Saturn and Ur****, and because SnapJam converts them to simple MP3 files, the quality suffers. It did the same to every song I've made except Super *appers Game Game. because it was already in MP3 format.
So, until I can fix the issue, you'll have to listen to Saturn and Ur**** in all their glory on my SoundCloud. There, they'll sound great. Here, VERY BAD.
Thank you for reading,
Briek Epsiom, the boring ******...
Briek Epsiom
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