why i wanna die

By sleepy soul_Naomi
4 years ago

someone asked me why i wanted to die and why am i so depressed and never happy well hear your anwer.The reason why i wanna die is because i hate my life and im tired and i never get sleep becuase i think to much and i just hate people who make my like a living hell. The reason why im depressed is people i never get sleep my grads are low and i cant stop geting in trouble and i cant do nothng right nothing and my dad yells at me and tell me to try harder. and the reason why im never happy is beauce some one i loved took that away from me and broke my heat and more people did that to me cuz im a easy target. and also **** OFF. 

    sleepy soul_Naomi

    sleepy soul_Naomi

    Dickinson, ND, USA
    Hey my name is Naomi I I would like to tell you about who I am since you all care about you so f****** much.13 I like Creepypasta I like my hero Academy also i like sweet things. I'm a lesbian and I'm a tomboy i skateboard. also have mental disorders.
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