Daily Tip pt1

By alexxis_xoxo
3 years ago

Good Morning lovlies!  Today´s daily tip is to always say hi to at least 5 strangers a day. Now, I know what some of yall may be thinking...youre not supposed to talk to strangers, which is correct! But, just like you, these strangers have feelings too, and they could be having a bad day, or maybe nothings going right for them....you may not even be able to tell! But, if you say hi, you may just turn their day around. Spend a little time, maybe 5 minutes, to talk to someone about their day....maybe thats a construction worker you see, or a homless guy on the street, maybe even a grocery store worker. Do this challenge for the rest of the week and I guarentee you´ll feel like a better person. Todays a beautiful day! I love you! You better say it back to yourself! As always, be safe and have a great day.




    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    15 5´8 Make sure yall follow and be on the look out for my daily tips/reminders(relationships,family,friends,drama,crushes,life,ect). if you ever need to talk message me. Love you guys a bunch! xoxo -a
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