so its time for me to accept the truth

so its time for me to accept the truth

By Ugly_baby192
5 years ago

so my dad always calls me antisocial and its time for me to accept it because I am im always locked up in my room I don't talk to no one unless I text them or ft them and the doctor said I have depression and anxiety and that I need to stay outta bed but that ain't gonna happen unless I go to school so **** the doctor and if u have **** to say or talk **** about me text me email me im ready for it because at this point I don't give af who judges me im done believing people when they say **** to me cuz at this point im done with the drama the fights the judgment so go ahead bring it on bring all the hate and the bad comments u guys have towards me im ready it your turn to talk **** about me and idgaf what you say **** you can tell me to rot in hell idc but if u don't like me or love me stop lying to me now it'll make everything much easier for you and me so email me or text me on here my email is and u can snapchat me or instagram me to go ahead and yes ik I act normal at school for all the peeps that go to school with me but thats to shut u uys up soo...theres the truth!!!

my snap is 


my Instagram is 


im ready for the dirty comments and hate **** thank you and tell me everything u gotta say now instead of later



    Elkhart, Indiana, USA
    Taken Mind your own business befoe you get your *** beat thanks
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