Hey, Aiden Santiago

By Briek Epsiom
4 years ago

Are you always this much of a dumbass, or are you just being dared to do this ****? Let me let you in on a little secret. You just look like a dumbass. You're not intimidating. You're not a badass. You're just a snot nosed brat who desperately needs an assbeating. All the slurs, the racism, the homophobia, and the just ****ing boring she-male jokes aren't indicitive of anything other than a unwashed incel ******* a body pillow and insisting it's everyone else's fault but yours. You have achieved one thing, though. You're giving Davis Aruni (I did that on purpose, for anyone who doesn't catch that) a run for his money in terms of comedic imbicility.


Kid, I've been more lenient with you than most people on here because I honestly don't think you're as terrible as you present yourself to be, but I can't think of you as anything other than a overcompensating idiot wearing his grandfather's old clothes right now.


I don't know how Shaa and Brii feel, but you know how I feel? I FEEL SO ALIVE. So much so, Imma start calling you "Aurini 2.0". I'm amused by you. This is quality entertainment. Move over Iglesias, Trevor Noah, and Jo Koy. Davey Reeney's child (there's a scary thought) is mad that the "*****s" are better looking than his twigly ass white girls, and if he gets ANY MORE secure about himself, he's gonna- i dunno- he's gonna have a PANIC attack!! HE'S GONNA MELT!! HE'LL MELT LIKE THE WHITEST ICE CREAM, the, the WHITE CREAM!!! THE WHICE CREAM!!!!


HE'S RATIONAL. HE'S RATIONAL. Don't criticize him, or he'll criticize your '***** sounding name". YES, HE'S SUPER SERIAL, AND YES, HE'S NO JOKE, AND NO ONE SHOULD LAUGH AT HIM.





God, he's so rational.

    Briek Epsiom

    Briek Epsiom

    A boring ****** who you don't need to know much about. Everyone is valid in my messages. I'll always listen to your problems. HOWEVER. Stop ****ing spamming my **** with your friend requests. I'm not your bff. Big bro to Tae and Angie
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