what do y`all like about y`all friends or gf or bf

what do y`all like about y`all friends or gf or bf

By Robin
3 years ago

what i like about my gf is she cute and she is all ways kind and she dont be mean only when she have to and she do designing and she do make up and she all was make me laff so ya so thats what i like about her and my friend may she make good pranks like a lot of them i did some of them to my gf and i think some of it made  her mad and some of it made her sad so and may all was puting a smile on my face to with her story and pranks and who else i like as a friend is will they not my friends they my sisters and brother there name is Xzavion he is 8 years old and the next one is Zahniya she is i think 4 or 5 and the next on is Nevaeh she is 10  so they all was make a smile on my face and my mom and dad thank u for everthing ya all was putting a smile on my face so ya WHO DO Y`ALL  LIKE AS Y`ALL FRIENDS OR GF OR BF OR SIsters AND BROTHER  



    New York, NY, USA
    i love games and im a kind guy im 13 years old
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