how is my life going so far

how is my life going so far

By lexi
4 years ago

How is my life going so far. I here that question a lot. welllllll. After my mom kicked me out i had blackmailed her into letting me back in the house it eventually worked. but then my mom started dating some dude name Kevin and O.F.C i did't like him so i did me you know lexi stuff and drink and party and coming home late. and he said i was being disobedient so he had told my mother and he had this idea to send me away to this children's Behavior rehab at first i was like really mad ad i was ****ed of at my mother that she let him do this to me but i wet ad i ment all type of people and it was good i mean i would say i changed a lot but that's just my opinion but hey i'm back ad better then ever. if you have any questios please ask.



    me lexi henderson has changed. some people can't even believe it but it's true no more drinks probably or party girl probably but i'm happy just the way i am so just deal with it because i'm a alot to handle
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