If your feeling down you should read this.

If your feeling down you should read this.

By kiah
4 years ago

once again this is not for attention or anything. 


 Im sure you have gaven up on something in life. But that's ok. And your not alone. But I have gaven up on a lot of things in life and a lot of oppurtunites. And I dont know why I did that. It may have been because I thought I wasnt good enough and it could have been because I thought I didnt fit in. But it wasn't that. It was becuase I thought I was nothing. And I also dont know why I thought that. And if you ever thought that, well your wrong becuase you are something. And you may not know what that something is, but you will find it. If im being complely honest everyone in this world is special to someone. You may not think you are but your wrong. I sooned relailzed I wasn't a nothing because of something someone told me. And I have also done wrong in life. But havent we all? Yeah and I wish I could go back and change it all but I cant. Now that im getting older, life is getting harder and you just have to push through. Just put all the bad thoughts you have in the trash because you dont need them. I may not know where i'll end up when im older but I hope I will have a happy family and that's pretty much all I want in life is a family that is happy. So always think positive in life. Whatever your dream may be, dont ever give up. And if you dont ever give up, you will cecied in life. So always follow your dream's no matter what.                  


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