Your Wounded Soldier
By YN_STAGYou pick me up when I am down
You saved my life
I am forever in your debt
I am seen as that wounded soldier
You let me lean on your shoulder
I am forever in your debt
It was a dark place for me
When you smile it lights up my whole world
I am forever in your debt
It was a dark, starless night
When you looked at me, I saw the stars
I am forever un your debt
I will take 1,000 bullets before I see the light of day again
If something ever happened to you
I would blame myself, I would hang myself
I don't know what I'd do
If somebody ever hurt you
I would hurt them back
Then hurt myself
It was my sworn duty as becoming your partner
To protect you at all costs, even if that meant my life
My life is nothing without you
I'd give you the galaxy
I'd take the world by storm
Just for you
I'd stand against the cavalry
I'd push against the firing squad
I'll breathe in the fumes of the gas chamber
I'll push with the spikes of the Iron Maiden
I'll make Old Sparky flame out
I'll take death at all costs before I let something happen to you
I have sworn myself in
I take the stand, and I fight
I take the brunt of the pain from your shoulders
So you can stand
I am broken down
I carry your pain for you
I kneel for you
I bow for you
I'll cry with you
I'll take the pain with you
I'll die by your side
The hilt of my sword is buried
Within the dirt by my feet
My helmet is laying beside it
That is my honor and pride for you
I have beared others pain
And now I share yours
I am still that forever wounded soldier
But I'm glad to be yours
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