depressed still

depressed still

By sNeAky_Boie2183759
4 years ago

if you have read my last post. (i deleted the rest) you know I have a girlfriend, but the one before her still has me thinking about her. every time I think I'm over her and she isn't important to me anymore...all I gotta do is look at a picture and remember all the memories I had with her. I've narrowed my depression down to her, I don't want that to sound mean but sorry. I don't know what to do, I'm trying so hard to forget but I can't. 3 days till Christmas and I'm thinking about the person who broke me the most, altho I hurt her too. I promised to never stop loving her...I broke that promise. I also promised that no one would replace her...I broke that promise as well. I don't know what to do, but I don't want help with this. I want to apologize but if I do I'm afraid of what might happen, I don't know why I can't get her out of my head, I've done all I can to keep her out but even a simple picture brings it all back. I wish I could have been better for her and at least ended it off better with her but I can't change the past no matter how hurt and sorry I am. I wish I would have been better but I can't change it so all I can do is be sorry...I'm sorry...



    (taken) her name is Carlene and she is my baby no one will ever replace her or even get close to it she is mine and we are gonna grow old together
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