Finally At Ease
By YN_STAGGuys, you know how much I care about you. That doesn't mean you care about what I say. I took 24 pills of 500 mg pain reliever. It doesn't hurt. I promise, I'll greet death like an old friend.My body might be here, but my soul will be in a better place. I'll be at ease. Finally. No more pain, sorrow, tears. I'm not needed. I know I'm not worth it. Don't remember my pain. Remember my smile. Remember my laugh. I'll be up there, waiting for all of you. Don'tdo this, your time will come. Just not now.... My time has come, and I'm taking it. Farewell, my good friends..... I love you all to the moon and back. I give you all my heart. I wish you all the best.
-Kaiya Anne Force
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