Hey, Keegan Byerley

By Briek Epsiom
4 years ago

As soon as I think I get to come on here in a good mood, I get news that you're sexually harassing Brii, and taking it a step further by harassing Shaa, her sister.


You all already know the routine, block this dude, don't respond to his messages, make sure that if he shows up with some ****, screencap it and expose the dude. And, this goes for all of you, archieve this ****. Archeive all of, not just his, but anybody's messages if they try to pull this ****.


There's not much more to say outside of the usual shaming, good ****ing Lord knows I want to be done with these asshats, but in order for me to stop, they have to stop being such creepy pieces of hunking ****.


If you want to know the details, well, this guy asked for nudes, tits, and kept pressing until Brii was incredibly uncomfortable, and did the same to Shaa.


Legit question here.


Why is it that it takes me to correct you guy's behavior? What is it about me that makes you guys decide to keep your ****ing heads down? Why can't you just go on some ****ing porn site for nudes and tits? THAT'S WHAT ALL THE REST OF US DO!!!


And, honestly, COMPLETELY honestly, it's far more mature of you to go on something like Pornhub or Snapchat for that **** than to sexually harass women online for it. 


Sincere regards to Brii, because this is probably the 5th or 6th time I've heard her being on the recieving end of some ****weed's ****, and she doesn't deserve any of it. It's her, Shaa, Sdot Baby, ZaZa, Ally B, and any others who may have encountered the same ****ing ****.


And to those of you who on several occasions told me that I was exposing people too much, **** YOU. Addy Donahue, GO **** YOURSELF.


YOU AND THE PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE THE REASON THAT THESE PEOPLE STILL KEEP GOING. The sheltering of these *******s has to stop. Stop defending predators. STOP DEFENDING PREDATORS!!!


I said before that exposing these people was the only way to stop them from carrying on their ****e, and you, and many other ****ers on here very likely didn't listen to me, and now look. Brii's got to deal with 2 predators in the same week, THAT WE KNOW OF, and very likely several others probably no one on here even knows about. Shaa, SDot, ZaZa, Ally B, very likely Linda B, even ****ing Angie, the 13 year old, are having to go through the same **** of dealing with these ****ing hobgoblins. I have to ****ing EXPLAIN WHY HARASSING WOMEN OLINE IS AN ISSUE to these idiots, who still don't take it seriously due to the fact that they've gotten away with it for so long.


You see where I'm going with this, this isn't an issolated incident, and let me be frank. Brii was not the first of these victims, Son was not the first of these offenders, and CERTAINLY, neither will be the last. AND WE WON'T KNOW WHO MAY BE THE NEXT VICTIM OR OFFENDER UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE UNLESS WE AS A COLLECTIVE WHOLE BECOME PROACTIVE INSTEAD OF REACTIVE.


This is a lesson for everyone. Yes, sometimes people will upload videos of them or their friends twerking. Sometimes, people will upload suggestive content. And yes, sometimes you may feel funny about it. But, guess what? That gives you no right to treat someone terribly for it. Everyone has limits. Especially online. With women, there's a huge bar. If you comment something like "wow, you look spectacular", that's alright, it's...fine. Nothing too bad. If you say something like "sexy af, (insert drooling emote/fire emote)", that's getting a little weird. When you bring that **** into a private message, you have entered creepy windowless van levels of perv. And when you ask for nudes from total strangers.......well, what do you think?


And people who don't know how that very simple chain of events works are the ones who should never be trusted with having an account and with messaging people. How many more of them do we need to encounter before we decide to start dealing with them? Start talking openly about them? And stop treating the mere mention of drama like the ****ing Coronavirus?


Oh, yeah, and, Keegan, because, I know you'll read this.


In regards to Shaa, and going on about how sexy af she is, and trying to pull the same **** that you did with Brii...


You know why she didn't even feel the tiniest bit flattered when you said that? Why you never would have gotten **** out of her? And why you won't get anything from any woman on here worth her salt?


Because I'm the only dude who gets to say that to her, I'm the only one who gets anything from her, and because you lack the decency to ever get anything from women without blowing your yearly salary.


Have fun filling in the blanks of what I mean, jackass, and I'll see you in my messages.


UPDATE: This ****er tried to pull the same **** on Savannah Baker, and, well, not very smart this cookie is, she saw through him immediately.


Dude, you aren't very good at this whole nice guy thing, you just come off as creepy because you aren't a nice guy. You're a creep.

    Briek Epsiom

    Briek Epsiom

    A boring ****** who you don't need to know much about. Everyone is valid in my messages. I'll always listen to your problems. HOWEVER. Stop ****ing spamming my **** with your friend requests. I'm not your bff. Big bro to Tae and Angie
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