4 years ago

Me:*Hating school*

Teacher:Stretch and do 5 laps!

Me:What the fawk!?!

Her:Shut up alex

Me:*Gasps*So rude

Her:Do what i said

Me:*rolls eyes*Fine!

-End of pe class-

Her:Alexandria come here now pls!

Me Mind:Oh shi- she used my full name!

Her:U ran for 17 minutes when everyone ran 5

me:Bish i ran for 5 they ran for 17

Her:Stop making lies

Me:Bish i didnt!?!

Her:Im calling ur dad

Me;*Fake cries*M-my dad left me

Her:Oh then ill call ur mom

Me:*Lying*My moms dead

Her:Oh well u dont get detention and u get free lunch and u can sit out of pe for two days

Me mind:Yes it worked

Her:Now go to break then go to history


Me still:Bye


Me*Runs to friends and laughs*

Them:What happened?

Me:I lied to Mrs._______

Then:U did what*Laughs*

Me:I get to sit out of pe for two days>:p and no detention>:)




Me:Now that kids is call acting and lying:p



Me:Lol that was funny...but that rly happened:D



    Bishop, CA, USA
    Hey my name is Brianna im 13 im kinda tomboy im a Aquarius i act like a kid some times i can talk in a baby voice witch my fake friends make fun of so...Yea and im bullied and i ship bakudeku and Elizabeth/Circus baby x Gabriel/Freddy bi taken by Jake
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