im fine - alex my demons

By --NUlL..
3 years ago

Alex, we need to start reaching out to eachother when we feel like this 


do you know whats so f**king sad that  everyone i know doesnt know i have depresstion no know should be fine with this(down below)  but the sad thing is thats depression does that to you and Axiety and other mentlly illness i dont know that is the depresstion(i dont want to get out of my bed) when you have it it is bad so dont be mean to the shy or Qiuet kid because they mit have an mentally illness and you dont know so stop it or they dont if someone agrees with me coment pls 

Someone: hey are you ok your looking a bit down..
Me: oh, yeah I’m fine!

I’m Fine with crying all night
I’m Fine with getting bad grades
I’m Fine with arguing with my parents every day
I’m Fine with having no friends
I’m Fine with having no one love me
I’m Fine with having everyone avoid me
I’m Fine with people ignoring me
Fine with putting in a mask everyday to cover up my ugly face
I’m fine with being called names
I’m fine with crying myself to sleep
I’m fine with failing school
I’m fine with not paying attention in class
I’m fine with my brother hurting me
I’m fine with being called ugly
I’m fine with being depressed
I’m fine with not having fun

Someone: oh ok!
Me: bye!

hey if anyone needs a friend/someone to talk to im your girl to talk too P.S   feel better trust me 

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