My thoughts

My thoughts

By Poison Apple
4 years ago

In a world where everybody seems to want to fight or hurt someone or yell or do something direspectful. Why? Why do you want to do these things? Is it because you think something isn't fair or people didn't do what you wanted them to or you just wanted to? Well I got a word of advice for you and everyone else who acts like a little b*tch. Suck it up. Life isn't gonna be fair. People aren't going to do what you want them to do. And if you want to go be mean for no reason, then go yell at your mom with that sh*t. You need to stop being selfish and think about what other people might need. You may be mean you rude or something because someone else was mean to you. Well, you need to get over that crap. There is always going to be someone who is mean, but lets make it as few as possible. When you are mean to someone what does it do. Make you feel better about your life because you live in a pile of sh*t. Well what if you think about it this way, this is the oldest rule in the book. Imagine YOU are the one being beat up. That may just make you stop and think. You wouldn't want to be in there shoes. So next time you kick someone else's a**, imagine that it is yours.

    Poison Apple

    Poison Apple

    I like all types of music. I am not a professional in any way. I would like to collab with anybody.
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