Falling Apart

Falling Apart

By Shiro
4 years ago

I'm starting to feel like I don't get to make my own decisions...everyone expects something from me and I do my best to make people happy but its never enough. I don't feel like im good enough, I'm constantly feeling insecure. I don't even feel like I get to make my own decisions. 

Who is this person I've become? I just feel like a shell of my former self. I don't feel like I know myself anymore. Will I ever be the same? Should I be the same? I'm such a failure, how can I make people happy if I cause problems for everyone? Sometimes keeping to myself is the only option at being okay and keeping people safe. 

You can't keep assuming things about people...you don't know there thoughts, there story, or there perspective. You don't know there struggles. These are some of my thoughts that constantly flow through my head. Notice how I said some. I'm so misunderstood, but it's fine. Sometimes it's better to remain a mystery and stay an anonomyous shadow, just another face in the crowd, It's easier to go through life going unoticed.

I'm unsure about anything, insecure about everything, constantly wondering what will happen, constantly wondering if I'll ever be able to find myself. 

Somethings never change



    Just your average 19 year old,; Majorly Insecure, Loves Music, and Introvert;; Don’t judge others just because they sin differently than you
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