By STOP_Cl0CkiN_MEH4 years ago
Happy 3monthes bae. If i aint have yhu on my team den i would be alone. Ik its been roough these past months buh my love for yhu is endless. Out of all the conversations we have i learn more nd more bout yhu everyday. Nd even when we mad ah eo for sum dumb shii we always find a way to move on from the situation. If i aint k yhu my life would be different. I feel for yhu alot. Nd I want yhu to k dat. Nd even though yhu irritate df out of meh i still loveu.(Done)...Buh anyway i juss wanted to say happy 3months love...❤❤❤❤
Charlotte, NC, USA
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IG: Dis_That_Splaaa_Lessi
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