Screw Bullyies

4 years ago

So what if we look different then other or bigger their just being them so if u have a problem with that whats wrong with u thats messed up and i wouldn't be talking about that person u should be  worring about ur self and see what made u do that and to all those people that get bullied because of how they look u know what just say to them thanks for the advice but i don't care about what u say about what i should change talk about ur self and don't worry about me and I got bullied cause i had no mom and i could never go to mom and daughter day at my school also i got bullied because i have gay dads and i'm glad i accually have parents then some sico's and bullied because  of the short hair style i had screw u all to those who bully and this one goes to personally just because someone said ur not like others and that u need to workout say i don't need ur opionin got that.



    Forney, TX, USA
    Im 15 and in 9th grade im unstabe lol If I don't answer back I don't have it open or I don't have my chromebook or I have summer school . Im a scorpio and I'm very nice I like making beats not really good at anything else but making poeple smile & laugh
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