An update

An update

By Shiro
4 years ago

So I haven't been completely myself lately. I'm not sure who or what I am and I know it must be kind of annoying that I post some semi depressing stuff. But don't worry, we all hit speed just have to keep trudging along and hope you make it out okay. I figured I'd post myself or something since I haven't in a while. I know it isn't the best but it will suffice for now. Again, I apologize for the depressing stuff I've recently been posting....I hope you guys understand and I also hope you enjoy the picture I took. It was literally just taken right before this post. Thank you guys for understanding and supporting what I do. It means a lot, you all mean a lot



    Just your average 19 year old,; Majorly Insecure, Loves Music, and Introvert;; Don’t judge others just because they sin differently than you
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