what i love about me single
By sleepy soul_Naomi4 years ago
you dont have to worrie abuout being cheated on no ones screaming at u al though i do miss cuddles ngk i do miss my morning kiss but im FINE every thing is FINE i might die from loneynes buts thas ok right...likeĀ IM SINGLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ITS KILLLING ME SLOWLY AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
sleepy soul_Naomi
Dickinson, ND, USA
Hey my name is Naomi I I would like to tell you about who I am since you all care about you so f****** much.13 I like Creepypasta I like my hero Academy also i like sweet things. I'm a lesbian and I'm a tomboy i skateboard. also have mental disorders.
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