I hate when girls are mad at me when they are in the wrong posting stuff about me and still holding on to something that happened months ago like grow up cause I'm over it and you need to get over it as well cause you still are in your feeling cause your exs are together like grow up and be happy for us. You trying to turn my sister and friends against me but didn't you date my younger sister not even two days after we broke up and you are mad at us for dating but you knew I liked him first but still dated him. Girl grow up I told multiple time that I'm sorry but you're still stuck on this.
Greensboro, NC, USA
I love singing, dancing, and acting,
insta: real_simp._asia,
tiktok: realgirlasia,
genderfluid, pansexual, poly
Bf/Bestie/Hubby: Dragon Beats
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