I was being very emotional last night its a K drama called Meteor Garden

By byebye
4 years ago

Im so emotional Ah Si in my k drama show got told by his crush that he looks better with the girl his mom got him engaged to BUT SHANCAI ALSO LIKES HIM AND I STARTED TO CRY CUZ IT WAS SO SAD THAT SHE GOT RID OF HER TRUE LOVE ALL BECAUSE OF HIS DUMB MOTHER i mean yes it would help expand their business BUT NOOOOOOOO i told my mom i needed a hug and she said, " why all because of some break up, hell no." UGGGHHHH I HATE HERRRRR!! Oh and Shancai is his crush she likes him back but his mom told her if she stayed away from Ah Si shed give her i think 5000 yuans and now im on a cliffhanger 

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