i hope your happy mytime3214

By sleepy soul_Naomi
4 years ago

im crying heartbroken becuase i have proof that your cheating on me and i hope your happy cus im broken and i hate my self i hope your happy and i hope u have a better life without me cu we are so done im done with your bull **** i foud out that you where cheating on me this whole time with littlebabe so ya ope you had fun USEING ME AND TREATING ME LIKE A TOY AND DONT PLAY innocent AND DONT DATE MYTIME 3214 she a lier and a cheater and might might say noooo and say that she is crying she is but facking it i mean nothing to her ok im just a game to her and to everyine else and DO NOT date her ok please belive me and if you want proof just hit me up so EVERY one im singe and broken - to mytime 3214 and everyone else and i wish you the best luck who ever dates her nexed byeeeeeeeeee

    sleepy soul_Naomi

    sleepy soul_Naomi

    Dickinson, ND, USA
    Hey my name is Naomi I I would like to tell you about who I am since you all care about you so f****** much.13 I like Creepypasta I like my hero Academy also i like sweet things. I'm a lesbian and I'm a tomboy i skateboard. also have mental disorders.
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