Mind If I Talk About Tyrande Whisperwind?

Mind If I Talk About Tyrande Whisperwind?

By Briek Epsiom
4 years ago

I'm not really going anywhere with this, I just need to vent, because, Night Elf lady maketh me upseteros.


So, Tyrande Whisperwind is one of the latest characters to have been hit with the villain bat, only this time...I'm more upset than I was about Sylvanas. WHY? Because she's killing all of the good characters.


You DO NOT need to know too many of these details, as they don't matter too much, but, BASICALLY, Tyrande is a Night Elf-Supremacist who, since her inception has been an ineffective leader at best for her people and has most consistently been the most egregious ****up on the Alliance faction, second only to maybe Genn Greymane and Malfurion Stormrage, her husband, btw. She's been a mostly unchallenged character who mainly served to be a simpering wallflower to her husband because, once again, Blizzard has issues with writing women. So, she's mostly been either a wallflower, or the consistent most disgustingly written character with nearly NO redeeming qualities unless you wanted to **** her, but, not my place to judge. She's always been content to let her people and other races kill each other and has always ****ed off to do **** revolving around her own whims this second of the day, and has played no small part to making all of the other races basically think of the Night Elf nation as a whole as a ghastly, vile, bigoted race who do nothing but turn down their sister races out of little more than paranoia, and cave to the Alliance and Alliance bootlickers alike.


And considering their history with both the races they deem as "lessers" and those who would end up joining the Horde faction (USUALLY BOTH), one would think that Tyrande would appear as nowhere near the figure we built up in our minds, especially when she and her husband just...****ing rejected and spat on the pacts that Illidan Stormrage made, and the Night Elves as a whole consider him to be "The Betrayer" But, no, we thought they was good... but, y'know what happened? Teldrassil happened....


Teldrassil was burnt after a botched job from Varrok Saurfang involving killing Malfurion, and that made her.....mad. So mad, that by time of Shadowlands, she ****ed off from her kingdom to chase Sylvanas into the Maw, **** everyone else in her kingdom. And, there's the rub. Because, in an attempt to bring everyone else down to Sylvanas' level, they kinda forgot that Tyrande has almost always been one of the biggest and most dishonorable clowns in the game, who couldn't even beat the Champion or Nathanos WITH HER HUSBAND and directly after getting her NIGHT WARRIOR POWERS. Unbelievable. And, this here is where I gave up. In an attempt to make her more interesting to follow, they gave her a villain moment where she....KILLS Nathanos. Yes, SHE gets to kill him. It's HER. Here's the thing. I don't like Tyrande. I never have, and this rubbed salt in the open wound, because to give her **** to do, they had her kill off maybe one of the best characters in the game, and she has notoriously been unlikeable from day one.


That was ultimately the straw that broke the camel's back, because I didn't mind Tyrande TOO much, as I defacted to the Horde, where I never had to really worry about her stupid face, but by having her killing off some of the best characters in the game AND having Blizzard double down on having her be the utter ****ing worst?.... That just....depressed me. Because, I know where all of these characters can be great, Deep down, in THEORY, Tyrande's the kind of character I want to love....but....honestly, why bother hoping when I can find what I'm looking for LITERALLY anywhere, and EVERYwhere else?.....

    Briek Epsiom

    Briek Epsiom

    A boring ****** who you don't need to know much about. Everyone is valid in my messages. I'll always listen to your problems. HOWEVER. Stop ****ing spamming my **** with your friend requests. I'm not your bff. Big bro to Tae and Angie
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