To all the people i love and care about, (You know who you are)
By sleepy soul_NaomiHello I just wanted to start off by telling you this that you have been so ducking nice to me and I love how you care for me and you deserve the whole world for that. And a lot of people hate me so I'm not really used to being loved and cared about and I don't know what I would do without you you mean the whole world to me I would take a bullet for you if you ever feeling down tell me and I'll try my hardest to make you feel happy again I'll try so hard to keep you happy and I know I haven't been my best self lately but I'm trying my best to not be a b**** just wanted to tell you that if anyone says that they don't care about you just remember me and I will always care about you and those people can go fly a kite cuz I don't care what they say cuz I care about you so much I don't know what I'll do without you I was so how do I say it I was upset depressed emotional but when you guys came into my life everything changed I was so much happy yeah we had our ups and downs but I don't care and I know that I can be upsetting sometimes and I really don't mean it with some of the words I say just know that and if you're ever feeling down and I'm not here to read this
- Naomi
sleepy soul_Naomi
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